In Memory of





Condolence From: Madelyn Tooth
Condolence: Mike and Kelly Very sorry for your loss The best thing ever to happen for my parents was the day your parents moved in next door just want to say those memories will never be forgotten Remember the good times I will pray for your mother soul Love and prayers go out to all the family Madelyn and Glenn Tooth
Sunday September 02, 2018
Condolence From: Mary Gately Woletskas
Condolence: I was so lucky to have worked with Lois for ten years when we were young and single. She was a wonderful person...happy, giving, and full of fun. Even though she moved to New Jersey, we never totally lost touch.... a card here and there, and always at Christmas. And even though we haven't seen each other for many years I feel a terrible void right now. Love you and miss you and may you rest with the angels Mary Gately Woletskas
Thursday August 30, 2018
Condolence From: Bernice Carpenter
Condolence: I will miss Lois so much. She and my brother Mike were a terrific duo. I couldn’t see Lois often but we would talk by phone and we always had a good laugh or two or three. May she rest in peace.
Thursday August 30, 2018
Condolence From: Susan Healy
Condolence: No words can express the depth of our gratitude to God for having Lois as our sister and aunt to our children. She ALWAYS put us and all of the family before herself. She ALWAYS treated visitors like they were royalty when they visited her at home. The only solace in her passing is knowing that finally, finally after 3 long years, she and her beloved Mike are together again. Mike and Kelly are a testament to their love. So very proud of them. Always and forever, Lois ... Love you more ...
Wednesday August 29, 2018
Condolence From: Dawn Mattera
Condolence: My family's hearts are with you all. Although I never met Lois, I've heard stories of love, kindness, and fairy tale childhood. :) And, the sentiments left affirm them. May her soul rest in eternal peace alongside your father, together once again.
Wednesday August 29, 2018
Condolence From: Edward Michael Columbus
Condolence: Aunt Lois has a very special place in my heart, and I am eternally grateful for her kindness, love, and generosity. She and her husband Uncle Mike welcomed me into their home, when I was enroute to West Point, and also as an attending cadet. She always put my needs first, ensuring that I was taken care of. She cooked, cleaned, and worked hard to accommodate me over the years, and we had lots of fun. She was a wonderful woman, who shared her love with everyone. Michal and Kelly are blessed to have her as a mom. May she have eternal peace. Love, Ed
Wednesday August 29, 2018
Condolence From: Pamela Prevosti Sebastian
Condolence: Dear Mike and Kelly, I love you guys and will keep your mom close to my heart. Ramtown will not be the same without her. I pray for you and your families but most of all I pray for Lois O'Keefe's soul to rest peacefully with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ🌈🦋💜
Tuesday August 28, 2018
Condolence From: Patricia Hagan Bowman
Condolence: Thank you, Lois, for being the best Big Sister and Second Mom a middle sister could ever have! The memories are many and good enough to sustain me for a lifetime. Always and ever... Tishy
Tuesday August 28, 2018